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ECCJ / Procedure of Small Group Discussion  

Small Group Discussion Guidelines

The Small Group Discussion (SGD) aims to achieve the following objectives:
(1) To share and discuss the EC policy and measures adopted by the ASEAN member countries.
(2) To identify the needs for a cooperation in EC between and among ASEAN countries and Japan.

January 31 (Wed)  17:30-18:30 at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
Small Group Discussion
In the small group discussion, the participants will be divided into four groups. Each group discusses the following theme:

  1. Common Problems
    (1)Common Problems in ASEAN concerning Energy Conservation (EC) Policy & Measures
    (2)Countermeasures against Common Problems
  2. Specific Problems
    (1)Specific Problems in your country concerning EC Policy & Measures
    (2)Countermeasures against Specific Problems

There are four themes that will be assigned to each group. All group members will discuss their specific theme.
Group A: EC policy and measures with mainly governments.
Group B: EC legal system, especially EC Law with mainly with governments, public organizations and non-profit organizations
Group C: EC legal system, especially Energy Manager System mainly with public organizations and non-profit organizations
Group D: EC promotion Activity, other barrier with mainly governments, public organizations and non-profit organizations

All members of each group will discuss and decide which among them will hold the position of the following:
(Leader/Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Presenter, Rapporteur, Power Point Writer)

February 1 (Thu) 17:30-19:00 at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
All members of each group will discuss the barrier/s stated on each of their country report.
In the small group discussion, each group individually discusses the following items.
(1) Common problems and barrier in ASEAN concerning each group’s theme more detail. (For example : Resistance to Regulation, Finance & Budget, and so on)
(2) And, solution of each problems and barrier.
Training members will share their problems in the promotion of EC in their countries and afterwards will have a detailed discussion on what are the common barriers and causes of the problems.

February 2 (Fri)  17:30-19:00 at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
STEP4 : DISCUSSION of Solution
All member of each group will discuss the recommended solution to each barrier.
And provide more detailed discussion dealing with the short and long term plans on how to solve these problems.

February 5 (Mon)  18:00-19:00 at Tekko Kaikan Building, 8th Floor 805 Meeting room
STEP5 : DISCUSSION of Action Plan
All members of each group will discuss the action plan on each solution.
A detailed discussion afterwards will deal with specific measures to be undertaken (e.g. how to carry out a solution in charge, schedule and estimate expense and so on.

February 7th (Wed) 18:30-19:30 at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
In the small group discussion, each group discusses the following items:
(1) Common solution of problems and barriers in ASEAN concerning each group’s theme.
(2) Cooperation with ASEAN on Policy & Measures to EC
* Proposal for Harmonization and cooperation with the other ASEAN countries &Japan
(3) Result of this training course. (For example : usefulness, expectations and so on)
(4) Conclusion

STEP7 : Preparation for the Presentations
(1) The assigned Power Point Writer will make presentation using MS Power Point.
(2) The assigned Power Point Writer will submit to ACE’s staff the electronic file of the presentation document by 8 p.m.

February 8th (Thu) 9:30 - 12:30  at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
Presentation and Q&A of Reports from Participants
*Presenter from the 4 groups will make a 20-minutes presentation of their action plan.
All members will discuss through a Q&A  (allocation time is 20 minutes for each group)

February 8th (Thu) 14:00 - 15:00 at MAZDA Building, Basement 1st Floor Meeting room
Panel Discussion & Conclusion by Mr. Tsuzuru NUIBE, ECCJ
(For example: Evaluation of the excellent action plan by content, priority, possibility,effectiveness)

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