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METI / ECCJ / ACE Training Program MTPEC04 (2006.02)

7.Promotion of Cars with the "Idling-Stop"

- Idle-free driving can improve fuel economy by approx.10%.
Even greater energy conservation effect is expected in city areas, where idling frequency is high.
- Partial subsidy for the purchase of cars equipped with the "idling-stop" system was introduced in FY2003.
- Promotion campaigns for the "idling-stop"systems are held in the forms of PR events, etc.

8.The Effect of Idling Stop

The Energy Conservation Center Demonstration Report
  • In the total traveling time, the ratio of stopped time is 26%.
  • In urban centers, the ratio of stopped time increases to 48% and between such urban centers, the ratio of stopped time decreases to 14%.
  • Idling stop is implemented in about half of the stopped time.

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