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METI / ECCJ / ACE Training Program MTPEC05 (2006.08)  

Flow Chart of Energy Management and Improvement Activity

To reduce Amount of energy consumption and Energy cost,
* It can be managed,
    by Factory total (whole factory) ---
    by Process Line ---
    by Facility (machine) ---
* Management in small unit (facilities/machines) is more suitable for improvement of energy intensity than in large unit (factory total).

* To be shown in Energy intensity.
    because, it is easier to evaluate the result of operational/technical improvement comparing with before-improvement.

“Energy intensity” (or “energy unit consumption”)

“Energy intensity” can be applied for “whole factory”, “individual process line”, “each machines”.

“Energy consumption amount”
--- heat (J) and/or electric power (Kwh) (→combined in crude oil equivalent)
--- can be represented by individual particular unit
--- steam: ton, water: m3, fuel: Kl etc.

“Production amount” --- unit: weight (tonnage), number of products, treated area(m2), working time (h), etc.

Example: energy intensity of boiler
A) The condition of boiler operation a. steam production rate (without electric generation) 4,090 ton per month b. fuel consumption rate (LHV=41.7 GJ/k-litter) 300 kl per month (bunker-C)
B) Calculation
energy intensity of boiler = fuel consumption / steam production
= 300,000 l / 4,090 ton = 73.3 l-Bunker-C / t-Steam = 3.06 GJ / t-Steam
the price of Bunker-C is 34,000 Yen / kl, shown by energy cost : 2,492 Yen / t-Steam

Achieving energy management

We can use 7 tools.→See next page.

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