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METI / ECCJ / ACE Training Program MTPEC10 (2009.12)

4. Training for Obtaining Qualification

Difficulty Level of Examination for Qualified Energy Managers

  •   “National examination for qualified energy managers”

      4 subject examination

      Mathematical knowledge of high school or vocational high school level is required.

      Subjects taught mainly in the basic course (1st and 2nd grade) of
      scientific universities (electricity, machines)

    Reference: Japanese school system
    Elementary school: 6 grades, junior high school: 3 grades, high school: 3 grades, university: 4 grades, graduate college: 2 to 5 grades (Vocational high school: 5 grades)

    Reference: “Lecture of energy management”
    Lecture for 6 hours and effect measurement for 20 minutes

4. Training for Obtaining Qualification

5. Training Answering the Requirements of Trainees

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