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METI/ECCJ/AOTS Training Program Vietnam

Principle of Energy Policy --- 3‘E’s harmonization

Recovery of Japanese economy@after the 2nd world war (1945 ~ )

Why did the manufacturing industry of Japan succeed
in the energy conservation after the Oil Crisis?
  1. Cost reduction incentive (enforcement of international competitiveness) and self-help efforts by enterprises
    • Energy conservation investment and technological innovation. ZD,QC activity, Kaizen by small group activities, TQC and TQM.
  2. Regulation measures by Government(Energy Conservation Law)
  3. Support and subsidy system by Government(finance, tax, subsidiary aid)
< Energy Conservation Philosophy>
  • Energy Conservation should be achieved at "on-site".
  • Energy Conservation is practical and steady activities.

< Energy conservation is to minimize energy loss and to maximize energy efficiency at energy utilizing site. >

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