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ECCJ / AOTS Malaysia training course Malaysia

Regulation & Measure on EE&C
/Management Standards
July 11, 2007
Mr. Toshihiko Harashima

Judgment Criteria and Management Standards based on the Energy Conservation Law
    1. Judgment Criteria and Management Standards based on the Energy Conservation Law
    1.1 Measures taken for factories (business sites) based on the energy conservation law
    1.2 Judgment criteria and management standards
    1.3 Nation-wide Factory Investigation
    2. Judgment Criteria
    2.1 Composition of judgment criteria
    2.2 Energy intensity
    2.3 Judgment criteria and reference data
    3. Examples of Management Standards
    3.1 Understanding and assessment of energy consumption
    3.2 General rules and common rules
    3.3 Management standards for equipment 4. Introduction of Excellent Energy Conservation Case

1. 1 Measures taken for factories (business sites) based on the energy conservation law
    - Effort obligation of business entities and announcement of judgment criteria
    The law requires to improve the energy intensity (energy unit consumption) by 1% or more a year in average in medium and long terms by establishing and promoting "management standards" and "measures to be taken on a planned basis".
    - Total control of heat and electricity
    - Type 1 designated energy management factories (converted to crude oil 3,000kl/year or more)
    - Appointment of energy manager (management officer).
    - Submission of medium and long term plans.
    - Periodic report on the use of energy, etc.
    Improvement of energy intensity (energy unit consumption), establishment of management standards, discharge of CO2, etc.
    - Instructions, announcements, orders by the Minister, if the achievement is very poor compared with the judgment criteria.
    - Type 2 designated energy management factories (converted to crude oil 1,500kl/year or more)
    - Appointment of energy management officer
    - Periodic report on the use of energy
    Improvement of energy intensity (energy unit consumption), establishment of management standards, discharge of CO2, etc.
    - Admonition by the Minister, if the achievement is very poor compared with the judgment criteria
    - If procedures are violated or if false reports are submitted.
    - Penalty

1. 2 Judgment criteria and management standards
    (1) Following the basic plan and judgment criteria established by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
    (2) By establishing and promoting "management standards" and "measures to be taken on a planned basis" "within technically and economically feasible scope" for energy conservation,
    (3) Improve the energy intensity (energy unit consumption) by 1% or more a year in average in medium and long terms. The judgment criteria mean:
    - Instead of specifically showing "contents" to be implemented,
    - Show "items" to be implemented and each business entity sets specific contents according to their actual circumstances.
    - They are used like a guideline for the energy management covering almost every technical item necessary to promote the energy conservation.
    How to implement
    - Establish the organization and targets that promote energy conservation, and incorporate the promotion method and assessment method into the management standards. The top of the organization must be the management of the company. Orientation and education method for all employees must also be established.
     - Understand the energy consumption flow of factories and business sites. Among them, always understand where and how improvement can be made (where and how energy is wasted).
    - If improvement is possible, make plans which are technically and economically feasible on a short, medium and long term basis.

1.3 Nation-wide Factory Investigation by METI
for Type 1 Designated Energy Management Factories
1.3 Nation-wide Factory Investigation by METI for Type 1 Designated Energy Management Factories

1.3 Nation-wide Factory Investigation by METI for Type 1 Designated Energy Management Factories

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