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ECCJ / AOTS Philippines training course Philippines

1-2. Transition of Energy Consumption in the Commercial/Residential Sector
Transition of Per-Household Energy Consumption and the Number of Households
  • Energy consumption in the residential sector has made a firm increase due to changes in the social structure (e.g. increase in the number of households), lifestyle changes, and other factors despite energy efficiency improvements for individual appliances.
Source: Compiled by the Natural Resources and Energy Agency based on general energy statistics and resident register data

1-2. Transition of Energy Consumption in the Commercial/Residential Sector
Trend in Standby Power Consumption
  • The amount of standby power consumed at households accounts for approximately 10% of the total household power consumption (equivalent to TV power consumption at all households).
*Standby Power Consumption : Power consumed while electrical appliances are not in use.
(Power consumption for the timer function, remote controller receiver, etc.)

I-2. Transition of Energy Consumption in the Commercial/Residential Sector
Transition of Floor Space by Industry in
the Commercial Sector
  • The energy consumption in the commercial sector is consistently increasing.
    This is attributed to a significant increase in total floor area for offices, business buildings, etc.
(Note) The figures in the graph represent each industryfs floor area ratio against the industry total.
Source: Energy and Economics Statistics

I-2. Transition of Energy Consumption in the Commercial/Residential Sector
Status of Unit Energy Management (UEM) in the Commercial Sector

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