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ECCJ / TextReport Vietnam

Public Awareness Education Program to
Promote Energy Conservation in Daily Life
27 OctoberC2006

  1. Current State of Home Energy Consumption
  2. Consumers Energy Conservation Attitude
  3. Concept of Promotion of Energy Conservation in Daily Life
  4. Public Awareness Education Program to Promote Energy Conservation in Daily Life

I. Current State of Residential Energy Consumption
Trends in Final Energy Consumption by Sector
  • Energy consumption in the industrial sector has been more or less steady since the Oil Crisis of 1973.
  • Energy consumption has been rapidly increasing in the residential/commercial and transportation sectors.

Trends in Energy Consumption in the Commercial/Residential Sector
  • Japan’s per-capita energy consumption in the commercial/residential sector is relatively low compared to other major countries, but the difference is narrowing.

Source: Compiled by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy based on Handbook of Energy & Economic Statistics in Japan data

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