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ECCJ / TextReport India

Transition of Average Fuel Consumption of Gasoline Passenger Cars
(Total, Fuel consumption by types)
Transition of Average Fuel Consumption of Gasoline Passenger Cars (Total, Fuel consumption by types)

Circumstances surrounding new fuel consumption standard
    Approximately 80% of gasoline passenger cars (delivery base) achieved the current fuel consumption standard (target of 2010), showing steady improvement of fuel consumption. Effect of car manufacturers’ active efforts, green taxation system, etc. Also, trucks are showing good progress toward the achievement of the current fuel consumption standard.
    In light of strengthened restriction on energy use and heightened importance of CO2 reduction, the new fuel consumption standard based on the top runner method must be established. For this purpose, committees consisting of same members were set within the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to study the subject by the joint committee.
    - “Automobile judgment criterion sub-committee” was set in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. “Automobile fuel consumption criterion sub-committee” was set in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

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