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ECCJ / Text Thailand

Grasping the current status

Example of energy flow

2 Standards of Judgment and
Energy Conservation Regarding
Power Receiving and
Transformation Facilities

  • (5-2) Prevention of heat loss due to resistance, etc.
    (1) Management of power receiving and transformation facilities and power distribution facilities
    1. For transformers and uninterruptible power systems, a management manual shall be specified so that the comprehensive efficiency of the transformers and uninterruptible power systems is improved considering the efficiency during partial load, and the number of operating units shall be adjusted and load shall be appropriately balanced.
    2. A management manual shall be specified for reduction of distribution lines by appropriate arrangement and changing distribution method, and appropriate distribution voltage, etc. to reduce distribution loss.
    3. For the phase factor at the receiving end, 95 % or higher shall be the standard and the phase factor of the facilities listed in Appendix 4 (excluding facilities whose capacity is less than that listed in the same) or transformation facilities shall be improved by measures such as installing phase advance capacitors, etc. However, this does not apply to auxiliary machines in the power plant.
    4. For phase advance capacitors, a management manual shall be specified so that the capacitors are started and stopped according to operation status of the facilities to which the capacitors are installed.

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