Dispatch of experts to Myanmar
The ECCJ dispatched 3 experts in order to support to progress of energy conservation on August entrust by METI. This fiscal year, we have been providing support for formulating EC guideline for the industrial sector.

Opening of workshop in the auditorium of the Ministry of Industry

Actual scene of workshop
After explaining the EC guidelines, two working groups (WGs) were formed to study role allotment and a future action plan. In Myanmar, it was decided to prepare guidelines for each facility by 2 Group; Group A: boilers, steam systems and air compressors, Group B: transformers, air-conditioners and lighting. From now on, they will hold a periodic local meeting and conduct activities according to the action plan.
The ECCJ will visit Myanmar in February next time to evaluate and give advice on their EC guidelines draft. We explained guidelines for electricity this time, and we will explain guidelines for heat-related facilities next time.