ECCJ Kicks Off the Introduction of Energy Conservation Guidelines in Indonesia
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented the following activities in September and October 2017 to promote energy conservation in Indonesia.
(1) Communication of model energy management systems developed in seven cooperating factories and one group company in four energy-intensive industries and excellent cases of effective energy conservation in the improvement activities.
(2) Improvement of energy management rules by the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, and investigation and proposal formulation relating to the design of energy conservation promotion supporting systems in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.
(3) Formation of ESCO pilot projects useful for improving the skills of workers in charge of tasks related to energy conservation derived from (1).

Discussions relating to plans for communication of model energy management systems developed by companies cooperating with the Ministry of Industry
ECCJ had been working on building a model for the energy management system which incorporates P-D-C-A cycles based on ISO 50001 together with the above cooperating companies in the four industries consisting of steel, paper, fibers, and cement. In September, ECCJ held discussions with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry regarding the effective communication of the results of the model building.
The forms of the communication reports provided by ECCJ will be used by the companies as before to provide information in the future. ECCJ gave advice for the building of a database by the Ministry of Industry for accumulating this information and data.
ECCJ held discussions with the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources regarding the improvement of energy management regulations and the design of energy conservation support systems. In order to apply the know-how on energy conservation measures obtained from the activities of the cooperating factories, it was decided that the Ministry will form a working group to investigate and create drafts for introduction of obligatory formulation of energy conservation guidlines and energy management manuals as well as proposal for support systems for promoting energy conservation.
At the start of specific investigations, the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources gathered together the candidate working group members (consising of corporate energy managers and energy auditors in addition to related members in government agencies) to hold a kick-off seminar in October.

Invitation to the energy conservation guidelines introduction kick-off seminar held by the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources

Invitation to the energy conservation guidelines introduction kick-off seminar held by the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
ECCJ was invited to the kick-off seminar held in October, and provided advice relating to draft creation, including introduction of the “Energy Conservation Guidelines in Factories, etc.” and cases of introducing energy conservation support measures in Japan.
As the next step, a workshop is to be held in Japan in December, where ECCJ will work together with the working group to formulate activity plans concerning improvement of energy regulations and proposals for energy conservation support systems as well as plans for communication of energy management systems, and with the Ministry of Industry to establish communication methods including the design of the database.