Implementation of training in Japan on promotion of energy conservation in universities and provision of information on energy conservation policy and the Energy Conservation Act for China
<Training in Japan>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) has been implementing support activities to promote energy conservation in China by dispatching experts and inviting trainees to Japan. As part of these activities, training was implemented in Japan on the following themes between September 3 and 7, 2018.
(1) Promotion of energy conservation in universities and in small and medium enterprises (energy audits, etc.)
(2) Provision of information on energy conservation policy and the Energy Conservation Act There were 19 participants from China, consisting of staff members in charge of energy conservation policy from the central government, the National Energy Conservation Center, and regional governments, as well as members of energy conservation promoting organizations in universities and other institutions.
□ Photograph of participants (including the Japanese side) and view of lecture
(Tokyo Toshi Service, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City)

Tokyo Toshi Service (in Harumi)

University of Tokyo
For energy conservation policy and the Energy Conservation Act, both the Japanese side and the Chinese side gave explanations about their recent energy conservation policies. In addition, explanations were given about the recent revisions made to Japan’s Energy Conservation Act.
Concerning energy conservation in universities, explanations about Mie University and University of Fukui were given as examples of energy conservation in Japanese universities, and a visit was made to activities in the University of Tokyo. Through these, trainees encountered case examples including the systematic energy conservation activities in universities, application of ESCOs, and participation involving students. Additionally, reports were given and discussions were held on activities on the Chinese side, consisting of those by energy technical committees and the current situation of energy conservation measures in various universities.
Regarding the promotion of energy conservation in small and medium enterprises, explanations were given about the practical application of energy audits and energy conservation platforms, and lectures were given on the specific methods of energy conservation audits. Together with visits to urban heat supply facilities and smart cities, information is provided on the practical application in Japan.