ECCJ held the FY2024 energy conservation training program in Japan (ECAP34) for ASEAN countries
<Training Program>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing the AJEEP Scheme 5 multilateral energy conservation cooperation project for ASEAN countries. As part of this project, training program was held in Japan with the following contents during the four-day period from November 12 to 15, 2024 for persons in charge of energy efficiency and conservation policy-related departments in the governments of each ASEAN country. In the training, ECCJ provided support for promoting the development of policies to realize carbon neutrality (CN) for the industrial sectors in the various ASEAN countries.
In the current situation in which global warming is becoming a pressing issue worldwide, requiring policies to realize CN, the Japanese government has been coordinating the basic policy concerning green transformation (GX) this year and is further considering the related systems and support measures. Additionally, related specialized institutions and private companies promote support and technological developments required for realizing CN.
In the training program, the participants gain an understanding of Japan’s advanced initiatives and dissemination measures, with a focus on hydrogen-related technologies. They also shared the latest information of each country in ASEAN on the policies and systems toward CN. Furthermore, participants discussed challenges in promoting CN-related policies and support measures in their own countries, developed policy proposals and shared the information.
The holding of this program was able to effectively support the improvement of participants’ capabilities as the persons developing their country’s CN policies.
The program could also contribute to creating an environment for business development by Japanese companies in the ASEAN region.
[Outline of the training]
(1) Sharing of information relating to the latest policies and support measures for realizing CN in Japan and ASEAN
(2) Introductions to the business development situations of Japanese-affiliated companies and the support schemes of specialized institutions in the various ASEAN countries
(3) Introductions to case studies of specific activities implemented, and new technologies related to hydrogen for realizing CN in Japanese companies and specialized institutions in the industrial sector
(4) Visits to facilities (specific initiatives to promote activities related to the production, supply, sales, energy services, storage, transportation, and utilization of hydrogen, and demonstration cases- P2G (Power to Gas) projects)
(5) Presentations by participants on their own country’s CN-related policies, support measures, and challenges, followed by information sharing through discussions and summaries regarding the promotion and challenges in each country.
*AJEEP:ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership |
ECAP:Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP |