ECCJ held the FY2024 energy conservation training program in Japan (ECAP35) for ASEAN countries

ECCJ held the FY2024 energy conservation training program in Japan (ECAP35) for ASEAN countries

<Training program>
Under the entrustment of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing the AJEEP multilateral energy conservation cooperation project for ASEAN countries. As part of this project, training program was held in Japan with the following contents during the five-day period from December 9 to13, 2024 for persons in charge of energy efficiency and conservation policy-related departments in the governments of each ASEAN country. In the training, discussion was held for the introduction of SAMEAS in ASEAN countries.

Training site

Facility tour


1. Training period: December 9 (Monday) to 13 (Friday), 2024
2. Trainees ; 12 trainees from 9 ASEAN countries except Myanmar
3. Lecturer ; METI: 1, ACE: 1, ECCJ: 10

4. Objective of the training program;
A common issues in the energy sector in ASEAN countries is the lack of human resources to improve intra-regional labor mobility and to realize carbon neutrality (CN). Under these circumstances, ECCJ has been supporting the establishment of SAEMAS within the AJEEP project. SAMEAS consists of energy managers who mainly focus on conventional energy conservation common to ASEAN and senior energy managers who are aimed at achieving CN. This training program is intended to advance the discussion on the finalization of training materials for the qualification of energy manager and senior energy manager for the establishment of SAEMAS. It is also aimed at facilitating understanding of the concept of the trial and how to proceed toward the establishment of the system.

5. Training contents;
– Dec. 9; Keynote speeches by METI, ACE and ECCJ, and reports on energy management system by participating countries.
– Dec. 10; Presentation and discussion of training materials on energy conservation and discussion of trials for the establishment of SAMEAS
– Dec. 11: Presentation and discussion on training materials on CN, visit to companies implementing CN
– Dec. 12; Presentation and discussion on training materials on CN, visit to companies implementing CN
– Dec. 13: Sharing of SAMEAS operation systems and business models, and presentation of action plans of each country

6. Summary of results;
A frank and active exchange of opinions took place, and significant progress was made toward the finalization of the SAEMAS training materials by the end of FY2024. In addition, the concept and schedule of the trial were summarized and ECCJ provided support for the establishment of SAEMAS.



*AJEEP: ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership
*ECAP: Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP
*METI: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
*ACE: ASEAN Centre for Energy
*SAEMAS: Sustainable ASEAN Energy Manager Certification Scheme