
1. Legal framework for improvement of energy efficiency and conservation
(1) Law
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Law (2011)

(2) Measures
1) Regulatory Measures based on the law
A. Degree 21/2011/ND-CP (Detailing the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Law)
B. Degree 134/2013/ND-CP (Penalty for violation on Energy Efficiency & Consevation)
C. Decision 51/2011/-TTg (List of home appliances/equipment that must have energy label)
D. Circular 07/2012/TT-BCT (Energy labeling for home appliances/equipment)
E. Join Circular 43/2014/TTLT-BGTVT-BCT (Labeling for 7 seats cars and less following fuel consumption)
F. Decision 78/2013/QD-TTg (List of home appliances/equipment that must apply MEPS & eliminated home appliances/equipment)
G. Circular 02/2014/TT-BCT (Regulation on specific energy consumption in chemical sector)

2) Other measures for EE&C included in other laws, regulations, programs, etc.(if any)
Establishment of Energy Efficiency & Conservation Office (EE&CO) (April 2006)

(3) National plan for improvement of energy conservation and energy efficiency
National Strategic Program on Energy Saving and Effective Use (For 2006-2015)

2. Financial measures taken by the government
(1) Tax system
(2) Low-interest loan
(3) Subsidies and budgetary measures
Government budget under National Strategic Program on Energy Saving and Effective Use about USD 2.0 Mill./year

3. Energy prices
Energy prices are basically following market, but the government still evolving.

4. Others
(those efforts that are made by various foreign countries, international organizations, local governments, private sectors, etc., and that have effects to promote energy conservation in one’s own country)

A. Barriers removal to the cost-effective implementation of energy efficiency- Sponsor by UNDP
B. Promoting industrial energy efficiency through the system optimazation and energy management standards in Viet Nam – Sponsor by UNIDO
C. Low carbon transition in energy efficiency sector – Sponsor by Denmark
D. Clean production and Energy Efficiency Project – Sponsor by GEF/WB
E. Japan’s energy conservation support (JICA, METI)
・International energy consumption efficiency model project
・Training programs in Japan on energy efficiency and conservation

5. Contact
Le Phu Hung (Mr)
Deputy Director of Science, Technology and Energy Conservation Dept – General Directorate of Energy- Ministry of Iindustry and Trade