Cabinet decision for the revised Building Energy Conservation Act
On 22nd April, the government made a cabinet decision on the revised Building Energy Conservation Act. The revision emphasized a mandate for all residential and non-residential buildings to comply with the energy conservation standards in FY2025. It aims to enhance the energy efficiency of residential and non-residential buildings to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 as well as expanding the use of renewable energy.
The title is “A bill to partially revise the Act on the improvement of energy consumption performance of buildings, etc. to realizef decarbonized societies”. The revision will be applied to the related acts including the Building Standards Act, Act on Architects and Building Engineers, and Act on the Japan Housing Finance Agency. It aims to secure ZEH/ZEB(Zero Energy House/Building) levels of energy efficiency on the stock average in 2050. The revised act expands the target of TOP Runner System for housing which requires higher energy efficiency for houses supplied by housing developers. A condominium will be added to the target in which the current system covers detached house and rental apartment. The guidance standard of the system will also be enhanced to reach the ZEH and ZEB levels.
As for the existing residential and non-residential buildings, a low-interest financing system by the Japan Housing Finance Agency is established to support energy-efficiency renovations. In addition, building owners are obliged to explain the effects of introducing renewable energy to architects in the areas designated by the local governments for promoting the use of renewable energy. The regulations related to fire prevention and structures will be rationalized for promoting the use of wood with high effect in carbon storage.