Promotion of Eco Driving

National Promotion of Eco Driving

As called for further energy efficiency in the transportation sector, the government has taken various actions to promote ECO driving by positively affecting drivers’ behaviors. Several relevant ministries have joined to form a meeting body “the Eco-Drive Promotion Liaison Committee” was set involving the four concerned ministries and agencies(National Police Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and Ministry of the Environment) in FY 2003.

The Liaison Committee formulated the “Eco Drive 10 Advices” and “Soft Acceleration, e-Start” for a slow start campaign for drivers. In June FY 2006, the “Action Plan to Promote Eco-driving” was declared and nationally promoted and Eco driving training sessions have been also actively in cooperation with the ECCJ (Energy Conservation Center). The ECCJ has also been active in promoting drivers to stop idling at traffic lights and wherever deemed safe and possible. These behavioral solicitations have been regarded as to be the sector’s pivotal energy efficiency and CO2 reduction measures.

National Action Plan to Promote Eco-Driving (declared in June 2006) The inter-governmental declaration by the “Eco-Drive Promotion Liaison Committee” set the next three years as a focused period for energy-saving driving dissemination. The future actions were specified as follows:


(1) Review of the definition of energy-saving driving and determination of effective use, etc.
(2) Dissemination and educational activities for energy-saving driving
(3) Dissemination and promotion of an energy-saving driving support system, etc.
(4) Establishment of an evaluation system for energy-saving driving
(5) Inter-organ efforts involving municipalities and concerned organizations
(6) Survey required for dissemination and promotion of energy-saving driving