Implementation of the Energy Conservation training for Egypt
Under the instruction and financial support of JICA, the ECCJ provided 2017 exclusive training “Energy Conservation” for Egypt on July 18 to 28, targeting 14 government-affiliated energy conservation personnel.
Training is intended to prepare an action plan for promoting an energy conservation policy and system through lectures, observation tours and group discussions.
(1) Lecture: Understand the Japanese Energy Conservation Act and the systems and activities based on it.
(2) Observation tour: Understand Japanese energy conservation activities and technologies through observation tours of a practical training center, ZEB demonstration building, etc.
(3) Group discussion: Based on the lectures and observation tours, prepare the action plan for promotion of energy conservation.
Issues recognized through training:
In promoting energy conservation in Egypt, there is no “energy conservation act” and it is substituted by the “Electricity Act” prescribed by the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MOERE). Accordingly, the MOERE plays a leading role in energy conservation activities, drawing up the NEEAP (National Energy Efficiency Action Plan). Because the Ministry is positioned at the same level as the relevant ministries and agencies, the NEEAP is only nominal and has no binding force over other ministries and agencies. The trainees were aware of the necessity of an integrated energy conservation act, but none of them had a positive opinion as to its feasibility. There is already an organization called SEC (Supreme Energy Council) under direct control of the prime minister, which should be in full charge, but it was pointed out that it was not functioning.