ECCJ held the 2nd online workshop of the FY2023 AJEEP Scheme 4 program for ASEAN countries
Under the entrustment of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held the second online workshop as the fourth part of AJEEP Scheme 4 program in the FY2023 EE&C capacity building project for ASEAN countries on February 22, 2024. The workshop on the Common Standard Module for ASEAN certified energy managers and others was held for energy conservation policy and system-related representatives from the governments of the 10 ASEAN countries.
1. Objectives: The AJEEP Scheme 4 program started from FY2022, has the purpose of creating and supporting the ASEAN Common Standard Module (CSM) from a technical standpoint in order to develop the Sustainable ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme (SAEMAS). In FY2023, the second year of the program, it was planned to create the contents of the CSM, and to develop the Advanced Module (AM) framework draft and Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) guidelines draft. To accomplish this, visits were made three times during October 2023 to the five related countries and ECAP30 training program was held in November. Based on these results, it was planned to hold workshops (WS) two times in an online format attended by a SAEMAS working group (WG) formed from the persons responsible for government policy in each ASEAN country. The first workshop was held on January 24, while the second workshop was held this time. In the workshop, held as the last activity in the current fiscal year, they shared and discussed the progress made and the issues faced for finalizing each of the CSM contents, AM framework draft and MRA guidelines draft.
2. Workshop participants: A total of 19 persons participated in the workshop, comprising 13 persons centered on policy makers from the ASEAN countries as the SAEMAS working group members in addition to six persons from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). Eleven representatives from ECCJ also took part in the workshop.
3. Outline of the workshop and results:
(1) Country reports by each ASEAN country on comments and requests for the CSM, AM and MRA drafts
(2) Progress status of the CSM training texts, videos and preparation of exam questions and addressing remaining issues
(3) Study on the CSM operation system
(4) Review of the Energy Management Professional (EMP) candidates and of the application procedures and certification schemes
(5) AM framework final draft and developments going forward
(6) MRA guidelines draft finalization and plans going forward
(7) Lively discussions were held on each item, and the activities in the current fiscal year’s AJEEP Scheme 4 program were implemented as planned and the desired results were achieved. The remaining issues will be addressed in the activities of the next fiscal year.
* ECAP: Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP (ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership)
* EMP: Energy Management Professional: Energy management professional certifications that will be newly set in the ASEAN region