Implementation of ECAP14 (Training Program) for ASEAN countries

Implementation of ECAP14 (Training Program) for ASEAN countries

<Training in Japan>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented training targeting the persons in charge of building-related divisions in the governments of the 10 ASEAN countries and in the ACE (ASEAN coordinator) during the five-day period between November 27 and December 1, 2017. The theme was making building energy conservation standards (BEC/GBC) mandatory (particularly regarding issue awareness at the law enforcing sites and improving the level of building energy conservation management target administration including the introduction of benchmarks).


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Lecture (by ECCJ) Site visit


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Group discussions Presentations by each country


An overview of the training held this time is given below.

(1) Key points were clarified for each type of institution in order to improve the results of the work of enforcing building energy conservation standards.

• Local government institutions: Realization of complete systems (increasing the number of staff members, and improving skill levels through training), and considerate practical support of each staff member.
• Inspection institutions: A certain number of engineers who are knowledgeable about design, facilities, and electricity are required.

(2) Although continuous activities regarding the development of BEC/GBC were observed in each of the ASEAN countries, it will still be necessary to keep providing advice and follow-ups in line with the conditions of each country.

(3) Concerning the improvement of the AEA levels, the persons in charge of practical work from each country (final selection committee members or comparable levels of staff members) attended the training, bringing in many practical and effective proposals. It has become possible to adequately make use of them in AEA management in the next fiscal year.

(4) It was determined to incorporate ZEBs by adding them to part of the existing selection subject categories (Special Submissions). How to create the specific selection standards will be a future issue.