Dispatched experts as part of the Energy Conservation support project for China
<Dispatch of Experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) dispatched experts as described below to conduct suppoprt activities. These dispatches were conducted for the purpose of seminar introduction and lectures of energy conservation technologies on-site and energy management methodologies intended for political officials and energy managers.
Seminar held in Beijing
Seminar and lecture in Qingdao
Visit to an iron and steel workd in Qingdao, and the energy conservation discusions (The center photograph shows a model of the ironworks) |
Exchanges held with the Qingdao City government Energy Conservation Division |
(1) The dispatch of January 29 and 31, 2018 (In Beijing)
The seminar picked up the implementation of the Japanese Energy Conservation Grand Prize, discussions, exchanges of opinions and interchanges were held for the selection methods, judging, and awarding methods. This is for fully establishing the collection, assessment, and awarding of energy conservation model case studies, which has been started by National Energy Conservation Center of China.
(2) The dispatch of March 13 and 16, 2018 (In Qingdao)
The seminar picked up iron and steel sector with the support of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation. The experts presented in the seminar the energy conservation law and energy conservation management in the industrial sector, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation’s energy management system, and the activities implemented for energy conservation and prevention of global warming in the Japanese iron and steel industry. Additionally, visit was made to an iron and steel works in Qingdao, where interchanges and discussions were held relating to energy conservation. Also further interchanges and exchanges of opinions were held with Qingdao Government Energy Conservation Center. At this seminar, participants were present from various Chinese regions and have degree of interest and enthusiasm of the participants was high, contributing to the spread of energy conservation in the iron and steel industry.