Implementation of practical training for qualified energy manager trainers at the Thai Training Center

Implementation of practical training for qualified energy manager trainers at the Thai Training Center

Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented practical training as the training of trainers (TOT) under the ASEAN JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP) Scheme 2 Qualified Energy Manager Training Project at the Thai Training Center during the five-day period between August 20 and 24, 2018.

(1) Implementation of simulations, data acquisition and analyses using the mini-plant and demonstration center facilities.

(2) Participation by a total of 13 trainees from various ASEAN countries and from the ACE.

(3) Sharing of the conditions of each country’s qualified energy manager certification systems, and formulation of energy conservation auditing plans in the participants’ own countries.


Group Photograph


Training at the mini-plant








Holding of examination


Awarding of completion certificates








Practical training was implemented using the Thai Training Center facilities (mini-plant and demonstration center).

(1) Using the Training Center facilities, practical training was implemented in the order of simulations, data gathering by means of actual operation of the facilities, and data analysis.

(2) The current fiscal year corresponds to the third year of the Scheme 2 project. As in the previous year, participants were invited from throughout the ASEAN region (there was participation by eight of the ASEAN countries (only the Philippines and Singapore did not participate) and from ACE), and the training required for ASEAN qualified energy manager trainers and the examinations for confirming their degree of understanding were implemented.

(3) The current fiscal year corresponds to the third year of the Scheme 2 project. As in the previous year, participants were invited from throughout the ASEAN region (there was participation by eight of the ASEAN countries (only the Philippines and Singapore did not participate) and from ACE), and the training required for ASEAN qualified energy manager trainers and the examinations for confirming their degree of understanding were implemented.

(4) Making best use of the experience gained this time, participants are to implement energy conservation audits in their own countries, and it is planned to implement reporting of the results and to conduct final examinations at training to be held in Japan at the end of the fiscal year. The results are to be comprehensively evaluated and certification is to be given as qualified energy manager trainers.