Supervision of on-site Practical examination for Energy Conservation in Lao PDR and Cambodia

Supervision of on-site Practical examination for Energy Conservation in Lao PDR and Cambodia

<Dispatch of Experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) visited
Lao PDR on November 8, 2018 and Cambodia on November 13, 2018, where they observed energy conservation practical examination as part of the Leader Training Project in the Qualified Energy Manager Training Program of the AJEEP Scheme 2 activities.

(1) In Lao PDR, ECCJ observed a brewery walk-through and discussed the results.

(2) In Cambodia, ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit of a sauce manufacturing factory and discussed the energy conservation audit results.


Brewery (Lao PDR) brewing process

Brewery boiler







Sauce manufacturing factory (Cambodia)

Boiler wall temperature measurement at the sauce manufacturing factory








As the second part of the AJEEP Scheme 2 Qualified Energy Manager Training Program, energy conservation practical training was implemented both in Lao PDR and in Cambodia, and ECCJ participated in the training observation and the discussions of the results.

(1) In Lao PDR, because November 8 was the facilties inspection day at a brewery, a walk-through was implemented at the audited factory, and ECCJ made energy conservation improvement proposals such as improving the daily inspections of chillers and boilers, and enhancing the thermal insulation of piping and valves. It was planned to implement data collection including the piping and valve surface temperatures in the following week.

(2) In Cambodia on November 13, ECCJ observed the energy conservation audit of a sauce manufacturing factory, and proposed improvements relating to the recovery of waste heat from the boilers. It is planned to continue the energy conservation audit over a weekly period, compile the results, and announce and evaluate the results at the next training in Japan.


* AJEEP: ASEANJAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership
Program for building EE&C capacity in the ASEAN region by dispatching experts and implementing training in Japan