Participated in the inception meeting of the Energy Conservation support project FY2017 in ASEAN
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the FY2017 project (EE&C capacity building program) contributive to promotion, etc. of energy conservation measures and introduction of renewable energy in the developing countries, etc., the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) participated in the 21st meeting of the EE&C-SSN (ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-sector Network) held in Manila in the Philippines during the four days between May 4 and 6, 2017. At the meeting, ECCJ gave explanations including details of the AJEEP (ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership) project plan and activities for the current fiscal year, and held discussions with each of the ASEAN member states regarding the project activities for the current fiscal year, confirming the following details.
(1) Scheme 2 is to continue as the second year of the qualified energy manager capacity building program lasting for four years.
(2) Scheme 3 is to continue support including S&L for Cambodia and Lao PDR.
(3) SEforALL (Sustainable Energy for All) is to invite trainees to a workshop on building codes.
ECCJ participated in a meeting held in Manila in the Philippines to develop the specific activity plans for the 21st Annual Meeting of the ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-sector Network (EE&C-SSN). The meeting was attended by the ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-sector Network (EE&C-SSN) representatives (the Focal Points or their proxies) of the ASEAN member states (the representatives from four member states did not attend) and by the ACE, and explanations were given and decisions made regarding the AJEEP project plan for the current fiscal year.
(1) For Scheme 2, the qualified energy manager capacity building program is in its second year of a four-year plan. Based on a reconsideration of the first year, we made proposals including (i) targeting all the 10 ASEAN member states, (ii) changing the number of participating trainers, (iii) activities for establishing a certification organization led by ASEAN, and (iv) changing the overall evaluation system, which were agreed.
(2) For Scheme 3, in order to realize energy conservation in Cambodia and Lao PDR, we suggested establishing promotion systems including the organization of a TWG (Technical Working Group) and the fixing of investigation members for action plan progress confirmation and energy conservation promotion to establish energy conservation systems (S&L systems, qualified energy manager systems, building sector energy conservation guidelines, etc.) in both countries, which were agreed.
(3) For SEforALL, we proposed inviting trainees to attend a workshop relating to building codes, which was agreed.