Implementation of JICA Thematic Training in “Highly Efficient Energy Use and Promotion of Energy Conservation”
<Training in Japan>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented a training project to provide guidance in Japanese energy conservation activities to seven trainees (related members of the governments) from countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union during the period between June 4 and 29, 2018.
The purpose of the training was as follows.
1. By developing and giving a presentation of the country report, trainees would gain an understanding of energy circumstances and policy in their own countries and explain about issues in their own countries.
2. By gaining an understanding of energy policy, the Energy Conservation Act, and the current situation of energy conservation promotion activities in Japan, trainees would compare the information with energy conservation policy in their own countries and study the possibility of applying it in their own countries.
3. Through participating in inspection tours of outstanding energy efficiency case examples, trainees would understand the actual specific measures for energy conservation and their effects and profits. By comparing the information with the factories and other buildings in their own countries, they would study the differences and the possibilities of applying the measures in their own countries.
4. Based on the results of the training relating to energy conservation promotion, trainees would eventually create implementable action plans so that they would be able to build actual systems and propose policy in their own countries.
A summary of the program structure is as follows.
(1) Lectures: Topics consisted of the necessity for energy conservation, Japanese energy conservation policy and its Energy Conservation Act, Japanese energy conservation activities, systems and methods, and basic energy management systems.
(2) Inspection visits: Visits were made to facilities regarding energy use at factories, buildings, and households.
(3) Presentations: Presentations were made on issues relating to energy conservation promotion in the trainees’ own countries (country reports) and the promotion of measures for energy conservation (action plans).
By creating country reports, the trainees organized the issues relating to energy conservation in their own countries. In the subsequent group work activities, they clarified the progress of energy conservation policy promotion in their own countries and created improvement proposals based on these results. Based on these activities, trainees created action plans that would constitute the energy conservation promotion policy in their own countries.
The third section was an important item in this training. We believe that giving the trainees experience of this third item as the policy managers provided them with a good opportunity to obtain extremely practical knowledge for promoting energy conservation policy.
The results were shown in the presentation of the action plans which concluded the training.