Holding of #1and #2 online Seminar for Cambodia on human resource capacity building for energy efficiency and conservation in FY2020 as AJEEP Scheme 3 project
<EE&C capacity building>
Because of the COVID-19, experts dispatching was canceled in FY2020 and we held 2 online seminars instead for Cambodia and Lao PDR respectively.
We have implemented it on 15th Jan. and 19th Feb. for Cambodia connected with Tokyo, Phnom Penh and Jakarta.
The seminar was consist of lectures, Q&A and discussions regarding preparation of legal system completion.
All participants |
ECCJ has supported to establish legal system for energy management, especially for the Standard & Labeling system and Periodical Report system. And we have followed up their status as a final stage and have given some advices.
We have invited Thai land and Singapore for the #1 seminar and Myanmar for the #2 seminar as guest lecturers to introduce their experiences on establishment of legal systems.
The Road Map which shows the way forward have presented at the AJEEP Post meeting afterwards.
* AJEEP: ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership
Program for building EE&C capacity in the ASEAN region by dispatching experts and implementing training in Japan