New Zealand

1. Legal framework for improvement of energy efficiency and conservation
(1) Law
A. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 (Enacted in 2000)

(2) Regulatory Measures
1) Regulatory Measures based on the law
A. Regulations for Minimum Energy Performance Standards(MEPS) and Labeling (MEPL) on appliances and Mandatory Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Labels on new and used cars at point of sale under the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 (Enacted in 2000)

2) Other regulatory measures
A. Efficiency requirements for new buildings and change of use of buildings under the New Zealand
Building Code. Fuel efficency regulations under investigation.

(3) National plan for promoting energy efficiency and conservation
A. The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) contributes to the delivery of the Government’s energy priorities set out in the New Zealand Energy Strategy. The NZEECS energy efficiency target is for New Zealand to continue to achieve a rate of energy intensity improvement of 1.3 percent per annum.

a) Business – objective: enhanced business growth and competitiveness from energy intensity improvements. Targets: by 2016, an improvement in the commercial and industrial sector energy intensity level; by 2025, NZ will utilise up to 9.5 PJ per annum of energy from woody biomass or direct use geothermal – additional to that used in 2005.

b) Public sector – objective: greater value for money from the public sector through increased energy efficiency. Targets: by 2016, improve energy use per full-time staff equivalent compared with a 2010 baseline.

c) Transport – objective: a more energy efficient transport system, with a greater diversity of fuels and alternative energy technologies. Targets: by 2016, the efficiency of light vehicles entering the fleet improves further from 2010 levels.

d) Products – objective: greater business and consumer uptake of energy efficient products. Targets: by 2016, extend minimum energy performance standards, labelling and Energy Star product coverage to remain in line with major trading partners.

e) Residential – objective: warm, dry and energy efficient homes with improved air quality to avoid ill-health and lost productivity. Targets: by 2013, insulate 188,500 homes.

f) Electricity system – objective: an efficient, renewable electricity system supporting New Zealand’s global competitiveness. Targets: by 2025, 90 percent of electricity will be generated from renewable sources, providing supply security is maintained.

2. Financial measures taken by the government
(1) Tax scheme
(2) Low-interest loan
(3) Subsidies and budgetary measures
Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes provides Government grant funding for low-income households to insulate the houses they either own or rent.

3. Energy prices

4. Others
(those efforts that are made by various foreign countries, international organizations, local governments, private sectors, etc., and that have effects to promote energy conservation in one’s own country)