1. Legal framework for improvement of energy efficiency and conservation
(1) Law
A. An act creating the department of energy, rationalizing the organization and functions of government agencies related to energy, and for other purposes (Short title:Department of Energy Act of 1992)(Congressional approval in December 1992)
B. Electric Power Industry Reform Act, Republic Act No.9136:EPIRA (Proclamation in June 2001)
(2) Regulatory Measures
1) Regulatory Measures based on the law
2) Other regulatory measures
A. Philippine National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program
B. Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program
C. Government Energy Management Program
(3) National plan for promoting energy efficiency and conservation
A. PEP: Philippine Energy Plan 2005-2014
B. Expanded Rural Electrification Program (1999-)
C. Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (2004-2010)
2. Financial measures taken by the government
(1) Tax scheme
Tax incentive scheme on Biofuels Program for fuel substitution in putting up manufacturing facility Specific tax incentive scheme on Biofuels
(2) Low-interest loan
(3) Subsidies and budgetary measures
A. Omnibus Investments Code
B. Support for energy efficiency measures through energy management advisory service
3. Energy prices
4. Others
(those efforts that are made by various foreign countries, international organizations, local governments, private sectors, etc., and that have effects to promote energy conservation in one’s own country)
A. Support from USAID related to funding for promoting energy conservation
B. GEF project related to energy efficiency and conservation
C. Japan’s energy conservation support
・ASEAN PROMEEC (Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation) Project (2001-)
・Training programs in Japan on energy efficiency and conservation
・Dispatch of energy conservation experts