Collaborative organization to be formed for the utilization of distributed energy systems
Collaborative organization to be formed for the utilization of distributed energy systems ― Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Environment to launch a collaboration team
On April 12th, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and MOE (Ministry of Environment ) announced the launch of collaboration team. The purpose of this team is to study the policy which is effective to both the formation of ‘Regional circulation symbiosis area’ that maximizes the use of regional resources in sustainable manner, and distributed energy systems.
Toward the goal to make renewable energy to be a main power supply, this team will study cost reduction and dissemination measures for solar power generation and wind power generation based on the local conditions. It will also focuse on efficiency of the environmental impact assessment and bring together the knowledge of both ministries to accelerate the efforts such as joint demonstrations.
The joint team leader is Mr. Yasuhiro Matsuyama of METI, Director General, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, and Mr. Atsuya Wada of MOE, Chief Deputy for policymaking, Cabinet Secretariat. The results of the review are expected to be reflected in the measures of both ministries in the future, including budget requests and tax system reform requests. It also will focus on the supply and use of hydrogen and identify solutions for dissemination measures in the region. Measures to promote ZEB (Zero Energy Building), ZEH (Zero Energy House), and demand side measures for decarbonization are also taken. In the future, relevant ministries will be in cooperation if necessary.