Energy conservation standard for lighting ― LED to be newly added in FY2020 as a target
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) have established new energy conservation standards for lighting equipment and lighting bulbs. Its ministerial ordinance and notification were enforced on April 15th.
ANRE set standards and target year, etc. to be achieved under the Energy Conservation Law in consideration of the technological trends and the Top Runner performance of the products that have been merchandised. It also determined the display items such as energy efficiency. The transitional measure was prepared for its revision of the display items.
So far, the energy conservation standard for lighting fixtures has been limited to fluorescent fixtures only, but this time, LED fixtures were newly added and the new standard with the target year of FY2020 was established.
Formerly, energy efficiency indicated “brightness of light source of lighting equipment (total luminous flux)” per power consumption (kWh), but it was revised to “brightness of lighting equipment (total luminous flux of lighting equipment)” per power consumption(kWh).
On the other hand, the energy conservation standard for light bulbs has been limited to fluorescent lamps and LED lamps, but this time incandescent bulbs were added and the new standard with the target year of FY2027 was established. As with the old standard, energy efficiency was determined by the brightness of the light source of the lamp per power consumption (kWh). A one-year transition period was set for the revision of display items and current display items will be allowed to use until the end of March 2020.