8 million kl of further energy saving toward 2030
On April 8th, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) indicated the policy for further reduction of 8 million kl of crude oil equivalent on the energy saving amount in the energy mix (constitution of a power source in FY2030). It had been estimated as about 50.3 million kl reduction of final energy demand in FY2030 which was assumed based on the 1.7% economic growth. METI and ANRE compiled the tentative estimate that 58 million kl of the saving of final energy demand will be able to be achieved after careful examination on the extent of efforts in each sector. In addition to this, further reduction will be considered based on the efforts for a carbon neutral such as improvement of efficiency for automobile.
The estimate was presented at the Energy Conservation Subcommittee (Chairperson: Shinichi Tanabe, Professor at Waseda University) of the Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Advisory body of METI) held on April 8th. The study on the measures for the demand side has been continued in consideration of reflecting them in the next energy basic plan since February at the Energy Conservation Subcommittee.
The ambitious estimate was made tentatively based on the energy conservation measures which were developed in the recent energy mix policy. While the energy saving targets by the measures with steady progress or setting further policy targets, are revised upward, the energy saving targets by the measures insufficient due to delay will keep as original by taking additional countermeasures.
The transport sector most contributed to the about 8 million kl of further saving. About 5 million kl of it will be by high efficiency of truck transport.
For the industry sector, about 2 million kl will be further saved by the consolidation of measures in the chemical industry. For the commercial and residential sector, it is estimated about one million kL of further saving through the review of top runner standards.