The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry annnounced 2 million kL energy savings in industry sector
On 30th April, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) indicated the policy to increase about 2 million kL of crude oil equivalent in energy savings for the energy conservation measures towards FY2030. Energy conservation measures such as energy saving in fans and pumps by introducing inverters will be implemented mainly in the industry sector aiming for energy conservation policies consistent with the new target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 46% in FY2030 from FY2013.
The policy was indicated on 30th April at the Energy Conservation Subcommittee (Chairperson: Dr.Shinichi Tanabe, Professor at Waseda University) of the Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
In the current energy mix(the structure of a power source in FY2030), approx.. 50.3 million kL reduction is estimated for the final energy demand which was assumed based on the 1.7% economic growth. In the previous subcommittee, ANRE compiled the tentative estimate that further reduction of 58 million kL will be achievable after careful examination on the extent of efforts in each sector.
This time, ANRE considered additional energy conservation measures focusing on the industrial sector and estimated that introduction of inverters could achieve one million kL of energy saving. The inverter-attached fans and pumps are evaluated to result in significant effects on energy savings compared to the conventional methods to control fluid flow by opening and closing dumpers and bulbs.
Furthermore, the energy saving amount was revised from 2.91 to 3.74 million kL after the judgement that further reduction is achievable by encouraging the introduction of low-carbon industrial furnaces.
For the energy conservation amount of the steel industry, which was undecided in the previous subcommittee, 415,000kL of less than half the current target was estimated for the expectation of decrease in crude steel production