Cabinet decision for global warming countermeasures
On September 3rd, the government decided the plan for the long-term strategy as growth strategy based on the Paris Agreement and global warming countermeasures at the Headquarter of the Global Warming Prevention Initiatives (Director: Yoshiharu Suga, Prime Minister). It began collecting public comments on the same day until October 4th. The cabinet decision will be made after holding the global warming countermeasures at the Headquarter of the Global Warming Prevention Initiatives. The plan will be submitted to the United Nations(UN) as a greenhouse gas reduction target in FY2030 and FY2050. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry began collecting public comments for the draft of the energy basic plan on the same day.
The global warming countermeasures consist of the 46% greenhouse gas reduction target in FY2030 compared with FY2013 and specific measures. The NDC(nationally determined contribution) to be submitted to the UN will be based on the global warming countermeasures, and its plan was decided on the same day at the Headquarter of the Global Warming Prevention Initiatives. The public comment was invited for the global warming countermeasures and long term strategy.
A carbon neutrality in 2050 was set for the target in the long-term strategy. The basic idea is presented such as aiming for economic growth by the global warming countermeasures. To limit the rise in global temperature to within 1.5 degrees prevents the extreme weather such as high temperatures and heavy rains.
The NDC and long term strategy are required to submit to the UN by The Paris Agreement. Japan aimes to submit those by The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP26) to be held at the end of October. Developed countries will be in line with the ambitious target in 2030 and substantially zero carbon emission in 2050 to urge developing countries to raise their target at COP26.
The Headquarter of the Global Warming Prevention Initiatives also decided the government’s action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emission reduction target in government ministries and agencies by 50% compared with 2013.The cabinet decision will be made after inviting the public comment. The plan includes measures to raise the renewable energy procurement ratio to 60% in government ministries and agencies and replace all official vehicles with electric by 2030.