First meeting for the clean energy strategy development
On 16th December, the Council of Industrial Structure and the Advisory Committee for Energy and Natural Resources(an advisory body of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) have begun discussion on the clean energy strategy development. The council and the committee will seek a realistic and phased approach towards the structural change of the society system based on the sixth basic energy plan. The three main points of discussion were: GX(Green Transformation) starting from energy, demand side energy structural transformation, and the society systems required for the GX era. They will deepen the examination through hearing with the related parties with an aim to summarize the report on June 2022.
The clean energy strategy will draw the path for the growth of global warming countermeasures.
METI pointed out, as the significant viewpoints for the structural change, the value creation through the integration of economic security and DX and securing of stable and affordable energy.
Towards the GX, METI will discuss the measures for environmental improvement to encourage investment such as regulatory reform and early market creation through Japan-US cooperation for each industry such as renewable energy, hydrogen/ammonia, nuclear power, storage batteries. On the demand side, METI will seek specific measures for energy conversion in the industry sector which uses fossil fuel in its manufacturing process, as well as in the consumer and transportation sectors. The discussion topic will include the future of social system and infrastructure necessary for the GX.
The clean energy strategy will be discussed jointly by the “Green Transformation Promotion Subcommittee” of the Council of the Industrial Structure and “Subcommittee on Next-generation energy supply and demand structure study with an eye on carbon neutrality in 2050” of the Advisory Committee for Energy and Natural Resources.