Implementation of on-site Energy Conservation practical testing and result discussions in a “Qualified Energy Manager Leader Training Project” in Malaysia and Indonesia

Implementation of on-site Energy Conservation practical testing and result discussions in a “Qualified Energy Manager Leader Training Project” in Malaysia and Indonesia

<Dispatch of Experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) visited Malaysia on November 21, 2017 and Indonesia on November 23 as part of a “Qualified Energy Manager
Trainer Training Project”, observing the energy conservation practical testing.

(1) In Malaysia, ECCJ held discussions relating to the energy conservation audit results at an automobile paint manufacturing plant and a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

(2) In Indonesia, ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit of a lightweight concrete plant, and held discussions regarding the energy conservation audit results.




Automobile paint manufacturing plant, showing the meeting and the plant walk-though (Malaysia)



Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant, showing the meeting and the plant walk-though (Malaysia)



Lightweight concrete plant, showing the meeting and the audit observation (Indonesia)



ECCJ implemented energy conservation practical training in both Malaysia and Indonesia, and participated in the observation and the result discussions.

(1) At the Malaysian automobile paint manufacturing plant, ECCJ held discussions concerning the audit results, and gave guidance on conducting data analysis based on the audit results and giving specific energy conservation proposals.
At the Malaysian pharmaceuticals manufacturing plant, ECCJ held discussions concerning the energy conservation audit results, and proposed that explanations should be given in the presentations regarding the meaning of each of the charts.


(2) ECCJ observed the energy conservation audit at the Indonesian lightweight concrete plant, and held discussions about the energy conservation measures. When making the energy conservation proposals, ECCJ explained that the organizations to be audited would obtain a deeper understanding by providing heat calculation results using the collected data.


(3) Based on these results, training was implemented in Japan in February in order to realize qualified energy manager certification in the future.