Workshop for supporting introduction of the Indian version of “EC Guideline”
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) has been supporting introduction of the EC Guideline into Indian industrial sector as a project in India for this fiscal year. As part of the project, the ECCJ invited the energy management experts (totally 17 of them) of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) of India, industry-related organizations and private businesses representing the Indian industries to hold a workshop from Jan. 15 to 19.

Training scene

Group discussion

Based on the Japanese “EC Guideline”, India is currently formulating its Indian version for the Indian industrial sector. We held a workshop for the main purpose of having experts review a working draft prepared at the end of December. Through active discussions at a review meeting with Japanese experts, effective output was obtained toward finalization of the draft. A workshop program also included a visit to a Japanese corporation known for excellent energy management, practical work to prepare an EM Manual based on the EC Guideline, and so on.