Implementation of the Post Meeting of the FY2017 ASEAN Energy Conservation support project for ASEAN countries
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held the Post Meeting of the ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP) over the two-day period between February 27 and 28, 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where discussions were held with each of the ASEAN countries regarding the results and issues relating to the current fiscal year’s project implementation details.
(1) New Scheme 2 is the implementation of the second year of the Qualified Energy Manager Trainer Training Project, and eleven of the program participants from seven ASEAN countries and from the ACE were awarded ASEAN trainer certification.
(2) Scheme 3 is the promotion of energy conservation system preparation targeting Cambodia and Lao PDR.
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All participants | Opening speech (by the host country, Malaysia) |
Opening speech (by ECCJ) |
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View of the discussions | Awarding of trainer qualifications |
A meeting to summarize the current fiscal year’s project results, clarify the issues, and share the countermeasures was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The ASEAN Energy Efficiency & Conservation Sub-Sector Network (EE&C-SSN) representatives (the Focal Points or their proxies) from the ASEAN countries (two of them were absent) and from the ACE participated in the meeting, where the current fiscal year’s project implementation results were summarized.
(1) Scheme 2 is the implementation of the second year of the Qualified Energy Manager Trainer Training Project. Eleven of the participants from seven ASEAN countries and from ACE were awarded ASEAN trainer certification. Regarding the participant who failed to complete the full course, discussions were held such as on how to implement remedial measures, and measures were approved under the conditions that they would only apply to the current year. Additional evaluation is to be applied for the submission of the energy conservation audit reports and for the implementation of the heat and electrical technologies written examinations. As the practical training institutions, ECCJ proposed that the Vietnam Training Center should be utilized in addition to Thailand.
(2) With regard to Scheme 3, Cambodia is close to approving its national energy conservation policy, and has begun improving its S&L system proposed legislation as an energy conservation-related legal system and preparing an energy management system. Lao PDR is planning to approve a prime ministerial decree relating to energy conservation in June. It is rushing to create a proposed S&L system, and ECCJ confirmed the progress of the system preparations including the intention to implement investigations to formulate business operator guidance standards for energy management. Particularly with regard to the energy management system, ECCJ proposed the use of “model projects” as an effective system for both countries in proceeding with further investigations.