Supervision of on-site Energy Conservation practical testing for the qualified energy manager leader training project in Brunei
<Dispatch of Experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) visited Brunei on December 18, 2018 to observe energy conservation practical testing in two factory locations as part of the Leader Training Project in the Qualified Energy Manager Training Program of the AJEEP Scheme 2 activities.
(1) Ice cream factory (in the morning): ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit of the air compressors and refrigeration facilities and discussed the audit results.
(2) Food product plant (Margarine, Cooking oil) (in the afternoon): ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit of the boilers, air compressors and refrigerated warehouse and discussed the audit results.

Ice cream factory manufacturing process

Audit situation

Audit situation (Food product plant)

Boiler exterior view
As the second part of the AJEEP Scheme 2 Qualified Energy Manager Training Program, energy conservation practical training was implemented in Brunei on December 18, and ECCJ participated in observing the training and discussing the results.
(1) In the morning, ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit at an ice cream factory together with a trainer certified in the previous fiscal year. The auditor had already completed energy conservation audits four times, and had proposed energy conservation improvements such as changing to LED lighting. At the same time, ECCJ could confirm the trainer activities conducted by the trainer who was certified in the previous fiscal year.
(2) In the afternoon, ECCJ observed an energy conservation audit at a food product plant. Because the plant was a relatively new, it was difficult to propose energy conservation improvements, but for the future data gathering ECCJ recommended that the combustion efficiency should be checked by analyzing the exhaust gas from the boiler.
* AJEEP: ASEAN–JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership
Program for building EE&C capacity in the ASEAN region by dispatching experts and implementing training in Japan