Dispatch of experts to Saudi Arabia
As part of an energy conservation cooperation project between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and the Saudi Energy Efficiency Program (SEEP), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) visited the SEEP and provided our information and experiences to compare notes in order to support system construction for energy management being currently promoted by Saudi Arabian government. We also made preparations and adjustments for an IEF (International Energy Forum) energy conservation conference scheduled in late October.

SEEP headquarters building

Bird’s eye view of residential areas of Riyadh
Based on an agreement for cooperation between the Japanese and Saudi Arabian governments, the METI, ECCJ and local Japanese Embassy joined to hold a review conference on the energy conservation cooperation project at the SEEP headquarters in Riyadh on May 17. Having joined this as a capacity building program entrusted from the METI, the ECCJ confirmed the development progress of an energy management system being promoted by the Saudi Arabian government, outlined practical operations of our energy conservation commendation system (Energy Conservation Award), and explained a trend of top runner standards to provide the information contributive to the development activities on the part of Saudi Arabia as part of the development support activities for an energy conservation promotion system.
Also, we confirmed the preparation status and adjusted and confirmed the details of publications and exhibitions from Japan toward the IEF’s Asian energy conservation conference scheduled in late October.As confirmed in Japan-Saudi Vision 2030, these activities are conducted as specific cooperation of the both countries for continuously supporting energy conservation in Saudi Arabia.