Hold the discussions with the IPEEC secretariat in China for the IPEEC TOP TENs
<Dispatch of experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) visited Beijing in June 2018, where they held discussions with the IPEEC Secretariat (China) regarding the approach for the IPEEC TOP TENs Project (consisting of the development and dissemination of international lists of energy efficiency best practices (BPs) and best available technologies (BATs)). ECCJ was able to obtain common understanding with the China Secretariat concerning issues mainly related to the study of the final judging methods used for the international TOP TENs lists.
The visit this time was made in response to a request from the China’s responsible party, the China Quality Certification Centre (CQC), which wished to know the Japanese approach to problem resolution based on past experiences, and ECCJ visited Beijing from Jun. 25 to 26. Regarding the development methods of the international TOP TENs list, the proposals listed below were in conflict, and the discussion became deadlocked.
・Secretariat’s proposal: Same proposal as the first selection ((1) Some selected as common technology, (2) Some selected by the recommendation of relevant countries, and (3) Some selected by judge scoring)
・Japanese proposal: “Selection of the TOP TENs based on an agreed scoring method” which was agreed by the related members at the Paris conference in Sep. 2014 (Scoring method)
In order to break the stalemate, ECCJ and CQC held discussions and came to a common understanding on the following points.
(1) China considers that the scoring method cannot be supported by all the countries. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of fairness, it would be desirable that a minimum of one submission should be selected from respective countries providing submissions.
(2) It was determined that the following two proposals should be discussed by the related members in the future.
a. [Japanese proposal] Scoring method using a simplified method
Domestic lists can be separated into three groups in terms of the level of precision i.e Japan, China, United States, and other countries (France and Australia), and the differences between them are not small. The scoring method should be applied to each groups in consideration of the above mentioned difference.
b. [Chinese proposal] Combination of quota for recommendations and scoring method for countries providing submissions
First, the countries providing submissions are assigned certain quotas, and each country recommend the corresponding number of submissions from their domestic submissions list. When the total submissions do not reach 10, all the judges should use scoring method to fill the blank up to 10.
(3) Proposed future target schedule
It was intended to obtain agreement between the related countries regarding the final judging method during July 2018. Following this, the final judgement is to begin in August. It was determined to be reconfirmed within China regarding the proposal to realize the second international TOP TENs list selection by the end of 2018.