Implementation of training in Japan as energy conservation support project for China

Implementation of training in Japan as energy conservation support project for China

Training in Japan
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented support activities to promote energy conservation in China by dispatching experts and providing training in Japan. As part of these activities, ECCJ implemented training in Japan on the following topics between October 15 and 17, 2019.

(1) Energy conservation promoting technologies and systems related to the chemical industry

(2) Sharing of information relating to energy conservation policies and Energy Conservation Act

The 19 participants from China consisted of persons in charge of energy conservation policy at the National Energy Conservation Center and in regional governments, together with representatives from organizations and companies related to energy conservation in the chemical and other industries.


□ Photograph of participants (including the Japanese hosts), and view of the lectures

□ Energy conservation using control systems in the industrial field (Site visit)

Regarding energy conservation policies and Energy Conservation Act, mutual explanations were given on the latest Japanese and Chinese energy conservation policy trends.
Concerning energy conservation related to the chemicals industry, explanations were given by the Japanese side including the application of heat pumps in the industrial field, energy conservation promotion measures such as the utilization of waste heat, and energy conservation through the practical use of resins. Discussions were also held regarding the usefulness of utilizing high efficiency boilers, steam management systems, and highly efficient ion exchange membranes as energy conservation methods. Through implementing these activities, it was intended to promote the participants’ understanding of methods for making energy use more efficient and the application of Japanese technologies.
In addition, site visits were made to Yokogawa Electric Corporation and DIC Corporation’s Chiba Plant, where on-site explanations were given and exchanges of opinions were held relating to control systems in the industrial field, and concerning energy supply and energy conservation in chemical plants.