Implementation of practical training for qualified energy manager trainers at the Vietnam training center

Implementation of practical training for qualified energy manager trainers at the Vietnam training center

<Dispatch of experts>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (in the project for contributing to the rational use of energy in developing nations and the EE&C capacity building program), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) implemented practical training for the training of trainers (TOT) under the AJEEP (ASEAN JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership) Scheme 2 Qualified Energy Manager Training Project at the Vietnam Training Center during the five-day period between August 26 and 30, 2019.

(1) Technical lectures were given and system explanations, data collection and analyses were implemented using the mini-plant facilities.

(2) A total of 11 trainees participated from six ASEAN countries.

(3) Information was shared about the energy conservation audit experiences of the participants from each ASEAN country.


Overall group photograph

Training at the mini-plant

Holding of examinations

Awarding of completion certificates

Practical training was implemented using the Vietnam Training Center (mini-plant) facilities.

(1) Following the giving of technical lectures, practical training was implemented using the training center facilities according to the flow of system configuration explanations, data collection through actually operating the equipment, and data analysis.

(2) Although this was the first attempt to utilize the Vietnam Training Center in this project, ECCJ could confirm that similar to the training carried out in Thailand, it was possible to implement the training to develop ASEAN qualified energy manager trainers and conduct examinations to confirm their degree of understanding. Additionally, ECCJ confirmed that it can be utilized like the Thai Training Center as a training center following the creation of a sustainable ASEAN qualified energy manager system.

(3) Making best use of the experiences gained this time, energy conservation audits are to be implemented by the participants in their own countries, and it is planned to report the results and to conduct final examinations at invited training to be held in Japan at the end of the fiscal year. These results will be comprehensively evaluated, and certification will be given as qualified energy manager trainers.


* AJEEP: ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership
Program for building EE&C capacity in the ASEAN region by dispatching experts and implementing training in Japan