9 May. 2017
9 May. 2017
AJEEP Post Workshop Meeting of FY2016 (PDF)
ECCJ presented the details and results of FY2016’s AJEEP (ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership) projects at the post workshop meeting in Bangkok on March 7 and 8, 2017, discuss it with ASEAN member countries.
31 Mar. 2017
Dispatch of Energy Conservation Experts to Cambodia and Laos (PDF)
ECCJ implemented the second support of this fiscal year for Laos and Cambodia in both countries on 22-28 Jan. 2017 with the theme of confirmation of energy conservation policy finalization and action plans for promoting organization of related systems etc.
31 Mar. 2017
Workshop for the purpose of Introduction of Energy Conservation Guidelines (EC Guidelines) to India (PDF)
ECCJ implemented workshop on 23-27 Jan. 2017 in Tokyo with inviting 14 energy management experts from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) of India and private enterprises representing the Indian industrial sector to support introduction of EC Guidelines in India.
31 Mar. 2017
Implementation of ECAP11 Training Program in Japan (PDF)
ECCJ Implemented ECAP11 (EE&C Training Program in Japan) by inviting 8 candidate members to be trainers of trainee of qualified energy managers and 5 policymakers from 9 ASEAN countries as Part of Support Project for Energy Conservation on 6-10 Feb. 2017.
23 Feb. 2017
On-Site inspection of energy audit related to“Qualified Energy Manager Leader Capacity Building Project” in Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia (PDF)
ECCJ visited Vietnam on Jan. 12, 2017, Indonesia on Jan. 18 and Malaysia on Jan. 20, attended the energy conservation practical work examination in each country as part of the “Qualified Energy Manager Leader Capacity Building Project”and discussed its results.
23 Feb. 2017
Implementation of workshop for establishment of Energy Conservation Act in Myanmar (PDF)
ECCJ implemented the 2nd workshop at the Ministry of Industry in Nay Pyi Taw aiming at establishment of Energy Conservation Act on 21 Dec. 2016
23 Feb. 2017
Energy Conservation training for China (PDF)
ECCJ implemented seminar training in TOKYO on 6-9 Dec. 2016 for enhancing energy conservation in China, provided information on energy conservation policies.
23 Feb. 2017
[ECCJ’s Activities] Implementation of Energy Conservation audit for buildings in Russia (PDF)
ECCJ implemented Energy Conservation audit for school buildings (kindergarten) in Moscow on 25-30 Nov. 2016, including audit of the classroom environment, energy audit, and proposal of improvement plans based on the evaluation of the audit
23 Feb. 2017
[ECCJ’s Activities] Dispatch of experts in India to introduce “Energy Conservation Guidelines” (PDF)
ECCJ dispatched experts to the kick-off meeting hosted by India Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), cooperated in the initiation of the “Energy Conservation Guidelines” introduction project.
23 Feb. 2017
Participated in the 10th Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum (PDF)
ECCJ participated in 10th Japan-China Forum on 25-26 Nov. 2016 held in Beijing with cooperation of Japan-China Economic Association
23 Feb. 2017
Participated in ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) held in Myanmar (PDF)
ECCJ participated in AEBF held in Nay Pyi Taw on Sep. 20-23 2016, Sinior Advisor, Mr.Yoshitaka Ushio provided a keynote lecture at“energy conservation session”, received the ASEAN Individual Excellence in Energy Management of ASEAN Energy Award.
23 Feb. 2017
Implementation of Energy Conservation Training for Russia(PDF)
ECCJ invited 14 trainees from Russia on 26-30 Sep. 2016 implemented a training for building energy conservation, which is a main target of energy conservation policies in Russia
23 Feb. 2017
Participated in the SEforALL related Conference held in India(PDF)
ECCJ participated in DSEE (An International Conference on Demand Side Energy Efficiency) held in India on 19 Dec. 2016 as one of the speakers requested by the World Bank, knowledge hub of SEforALL
23 Feb. 2017
Dispatch of Energy Conservation Experts to Brazil (PDF)
ECCJ dispatched its experts to the country during the period of 8-16 Sep.and 5-15 Dec. 2016 to support energy conservation in Brazil as part of 3-year plan (from FY2015 to FY2017)
23 Feb. 2017
[ECCJ’s Activities] Support for introducing Qualified Energy Manager Certification System in Saudi Arabia (PDF)
ECCJ invited experts of the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC) on 29-31 Aug. 2016, explained the outline of the Japanese energy management system and certification system and exchanged opinions with qualified energy managers
17 Jan. 2017
[ECCJ’s Activities] Implementation of Energy Conservation Workshop (BEC ID7) for Indonesia (PDF)
ECCJ implemented the BEC ID7 workshop on 14-18 Nov. 2016 in Tokyo with participants including the Ministry of Industry (MOI) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) for Indonesia
17 Jan. 2017
Provision of Practical Training to Foster Trainers in Four ASEAN Nations (PDF)
ECCJ provided Practical Training in Thailand to Foster Trainers for Qualified Energy Managers for trainees from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam on 14-18 Nov. 2016
17 Jan. 2017
Implementation of Energy Conservation Support Project in China (PDF)
ECCJ implemented Support Project by dispatching Energy Conservation specification four regions of China with the aim of enhancing energy conservation in China on July-Dec. 2016
14 Dec. 2016
[ECCJ’s Activities] The Energy Conservation Support Project in Lao PDR and Cambodia (PDF)
ECCJ Implemented Support Project for the promotion of energy conservation in Lao PDR and Cambodia on 3-7 Oct. 2016
14 Dec. 2016
Promotion of the EC Project in the industry of Indonesia(PDF)
ECCJ Implemented the Project for Promoting Energy Conservation in the Industrial Sector in Indonesia and Vietnam on Oct. 2016
14 Dec. 2016
Implementation of ECAP10 Project in Japan (PDF)
ECCJ Implemented ECAP10 (Training in Japan) as Part of Support Project for Energy Conservation on 28 Sep. – 4 Oct. 2016
14 Dec. 2016
Participation in Inception Meeting of Support Project for Energy Conservation in ASEAN (PDF)
ECCJ participated in Inception Meeting in Bogor, Indonesia on 9-12 Aug. 2016, discussed the details of the project for FY2016 with the representatives of ASEAN Member States.
14 Dec. 2016
Conducted survey of Training Contents in Training Center in Thailand (PDF)
ECCJ made a two-day visit in Training Center in Thailand on 21-22 July 2016, checked the buildings and facilities and discussed their usage and other matters with ACE (ASEAN Centre for Energy).
25 Oct. 2016
Energy Conservation support project in Myanmar (PDF)
ECCJ implemented a seminar for the promotion of Energy Conservation in Myanmar on 23-25 Aug. 2016
25 Oct. 2016
Training Energy Conservation Promotion Leaders in Asia(PDF)
ECCJ has provided Training of Trainers (TOT) to foster energy conservation promotion leaders in Mongoria, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan since fiscal year 2015.
25 Oct. 2016
Energy Conservation support project in Malaysia (PDF)
ECCJ implemented a five-day project for the promotion of Energy Conservation at an Automotive Parts Factory in Malaysia on 1-5 Feb. 2016.
26 Aug. 2016
Energy Conservation support project in Vietnam (PDF)
ECCJ implemented a five-day project for the promotion of Energy Conservation at an Electric Furnace Factory in Vietnam on 25-29 Jan. 2016.
26 Aug. 2016
Support for establishment of the“Energy Conservation Training Center” in Vietnam (PDF)
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) of Vietnam has completed the establishment of the training center for fostering qualified energy managers and energy audit engineers in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh on June 2015 under JICA’s support.
24 Aug. 2016
Energy Conservation Cooperation Project for Brazil (Part 3)(PDF)
ECCJ implemented the Part3 of the Energy Conservation Cooperation Project for Brazil on top of Part2 continued from June to Oct. 2015.
24 Aug. 2016
TOP TENs BATs and BPs project (PDF)
The 1st international TOP TENs list was publicized at the policy council of the IPEEC on June 27 2016.
24 Aug. 2016
Energy Conservation Support Project for Indonesia (PDF)
ECCJ has been supporting to promote energy conservation in Indonesia from Feb. to date (June, 2016).
24 Aug. 2016
ACEF (Asian Clean Energy Forum) in Relation to SE4ALL (PDF)
ECCJ participated in the ACEF 2016 co-sponsored by C2E2, EESL, ADB and SE4All held in Manila on 6-10 June 2016.
24 Aug. 2016
Seminar held in Astana and Novosibirsk (PDF)
Lecture on “Japan’s Energy Conservation Policies and Overview of ECCJ’s Activities”in Japan-Kazakhstan/Japan-Russia Energy Industry Collaboration Seminar was held in Astana and Novosibirsk on 28-30 June 2016.
17 May. 2016
Copenhagen Global Workshop to Accelerate Energy Efficiency: Challenges, Opportunities and Roadmaps (PDF)
ECCJ attended “Copenhagen Global Workshop to Accelerate Energy Efficiency: Challenges, Opportunities and Roadmaps” organized by C2E2 held in Copenhagen on 10-14 Nov. 2015.
17 May. 2016
Energy Efficiency Event held concurrently with COP21 (PDF)
ECCJ participated in the Energy Efficiency Event held concurrently with COP21 in Paris on 6-10 Dec. 2015
17 May. 2016
Interview with Mr. Mohinder Gulati of SE4All Chief Operating Officer (PDF)
ECCJ interviewed Mr. Mohinder Gulati of SE4All Chief Operating Officer about SE4ALL Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities held in Tokyo on 29-30 Oct. 2015
27 Apr. 2016
2015 ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Symposium on Standard and Labeling Policy in Myanmar (PDF)
2015 ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Symposium on Standard and Labeling Policy in Myanmar took place on 18 Dec. 2015 in the presence of Myanmar’s MOI Vice Minister, and Mr.J.Sogawa (MD, ECCJ).
27 Apr. 2016
2015 ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Symposium on Standard and Labeling Policy in Lao PDR (PDF)
2015 ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Symposium on Standard and Labeling Policy in Lao PDR took place on 15 Dec. 2015 in the presence of Lao’s MEM Deputy Director General, and Mr.J.Sogawa (MD, ECCJ).
27 Apr. 2016
Implementation of Energy Conservation Cooperation Project for Brazil (Part 2) (PDF)
ECCJ implemented the Part2 of the Energy Conservation Cooperation Project for Brazil on top of Part1 continued from Feb. to Oct. 2014 (inclusive of Activity1&2 )
27 Apr. 2016
Award of ASEAN for the Contributions to Energy Conservation (PDF)
ECCJ’s Deputy Director of Training and Education Department, Mr.Kazuhiko Yoshida was awarded for the Contributions to Energy Conservation In the 33rd Ministers on Energy Meeting of the ASEAN held in Malaysia on 7th Oct. 2015.
27 Apr. 2016
SE4ALL Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities took place in Tokyo (PDF)
SE4ALL Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities took place in Tokyo on 29-30 Oct. 2015 on the theme of “Moving toward Enhanced Global Efficiency in Energy Utilization through Improved Collaboration between the Public and Private Sectors and among Cities”