Workshop on Energy Conservation for Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan

Presentation Materials

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■ Feb. 3 (Mon)

Day 1-3

Keynote Lecture: Energy Policy in Japan

Day 1-4

Lecture 1: Measures to Promote Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) in Japan

Country Report

Day 1-5

Lecture 2: Energy Status and Outlook in Kyrgyz and Tajikistan

■ Feb. 4 (Tue)

Day 2-1

Lecture 3: Contents of the Energy Conservation Act and its implementation

Day 2-2

Lecture 4: Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Case Studies of EE&C in Buildings)

Day 2-3

Lecture 5: Heat Pump Technology and its Introduction in the Food and Beverage Industries

Day 2-4

Lecture 6-1: Japanese Smart Energy Efficiency Products & Technologies (1)

Day 2-5

Lecture 6-2: Japanese Smart Energy Efficiency Products & Technologies (2)

Day 2-6

Lecture 6-3: Japanese Smart Energy Efficiency Products & Technologies (3)

■ Feb. 6 (Thu)

Day 4-1

Lecture 7: Energy Savings in the Household Sector

Day 4-2

Lecture 8: Standard & Labelling for Appliances

Day 4-3

Lecture 9: Energy Efficiency Promotions in ECCJ (Incl. Public Relations and Award Programs)

Day 4-4

Lecture 10: Energy Efficiency in the Transportation Sector in Japan

■ Feb. 7(Fri)
